Selected Writing
The Ebola Outbreak Warned Us What Was Coming: Why Didn’t We Listen? - Prospect Magazine, July 2020
Origami Birds and COVID-19 - Boston Book Festival, June 2020
Opinion: COVID-19 — The Anatomy of Community-Centered Response - Devex, April 2020
Learning About Epidemic Response From African Countries - STAT News, April 2020
What Should Health and Science Journalists Do in Epidemics? - American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, January 2020
Flipping the Paradigm in Ebola Treatment - Harvard Public Health Magazine, The Epidemics Issue, Spring 2019
Nina Simone au Libéria - Editions du Sous Sol, Feuilleton No 22
What Race/Related Loved in 2017 - The New York Times
Nina Simone in Liberia - Guernica, June 2017 (Monrovia, Liberia)
'Spoiling the Belly': The Dangers of Backstreet Abortions in Liberia - Women and Girls Hub, News Deeply, April 2017
As Ebola Wanes, Tuberculosis Spikes in Liberia - STAT/Boston Globe, March 2016 (Monrovia, Liberia)
The West African Ebola Outbreak: A Retrospective - Ebola Deeply, January 2016 (Monrovia, Liberia)
The West African Ebola Outbreak: Lessons Learned From 37 Experts - Ebola Deeply, January 2016 (Monrovia, Liberia)
Op-Ed: What Ebola Taught Us About The Power of Stories - The Huffington Post, January 2016 (Monrovia, Liberia)
Josiah Kormie: Love for Medicine Keeps You Working in a Crisis - Ebola Deeply, January 2016 (Monrovia, Liberia)
After Ebola: We've Been Singing the Oxygen Song Since Last Week - Ebola Deeply, September 2015 (Monrovia, Liberia)
Seven Things to Understand About the RVSV-ZEBOV Ebola Vaccine - Global Health Hub, August 2015 (Monrovia, Liberia)
Ebola: The Transformation of Redemption Hospital - World Policy Institute, August 2015 (Monrovia, Liberia)
The Long Read: Unlocking Ebola's Secrets Through Genome Sequencing - Ebola Deeply, July 2015 (Monrovia, Liberia)
Uncertainty in a Liberian Village, as Officials Confirm New Cases of Ebola - Ebola Deeply, July 2015 (Nedowein, Liberia)
The Culture Factor: Fighting Ebola with Anthropology - Ebola Deeply, October 2014 (London)
Mistrust of Government Spurs Ebola Spread - IRIN Africa, August 2014 (Nairobi, Kenya)
Prison Conditions in Cameroon: Three Poems - Muse Journal, Summer 2014 (New York)
Malian Women Lashed and Forced to Marry Amid Intense Fighting - Reuters Foundation, February 2013 (Bamako, Mali)
First the Rain, Then Cholera - Deutsche Presse Agentur, September 2012 (Dakar, Senegal)
The House that Doe Built - Guernica, May 2012 (Monrovia, Liberia)
In Monrovia, Charles Taylor's Wife Awaits His Verdict - Christian Science Monitor, April 2012 (Monrovia, Liberia)
The Driver - Guernica, October 2011 (Benghazi, Libya)
Libya: Specialist Health Clinics in Benghazi Desperate for Support - IRIN Africa, May 2011 (Benghazi, Libya)
Benghazi Hospitals Struggle to Treat War-Wounded - IRIN Africa, April 2011 (Benghazi, Libya)
West Africa Charts Progress in Malaria Prevention - Voice of America, April 2010 (Dakar, Senegal)
Clinic to Fight Taboo of Female Mutilation - The National, May 2009 (Bobo-Dialousso, Burkina Faso)
Health and Economy: Liberians Drop Rice for Spaghetti - BBC News, April 2008 (Monrovia, Liberia)
Lassa Fever Prevention Failing - IRIN Africa, February 2008 (Bong County, Liberia)
D.R.Congo: The Blood Keeps Flowing - IRIN Africa November 2007 (Masisi, D.R. Congo)
Health Care After Liberia's War: Sometimes You Wonder if Peace is Worthwhile - The Independent, May 2007 (Monrovia, Liberia)
Cited In
Ebola listening projects take cues from community to improve response - Reuters, June 2019
Audio Archive Collects Stories of People Affected by World's Deadliest Ebola Outbreak - Global Citizen, May 2019
Ebola Deeply is the Only Place You Should Be Getting Ebola News - Fast Company, October 2014
Ebola Deeply Offers Antidote to Media Scaremongering - The Guardian, October 2014
A New Website Totally Focused on Ebola - Nieman Journalism Lab, September 2014
In the News - The New Yorker, October 2011
Anthropology Matters - November 2010
How Congo's Heaven Became Hell - BBC News, October 2008
COVID-19 and Ebola: The Art of Storytelling in Epidemics - WHO, IFRC Africa, Internews, July 2020
Oral Histories of Ebola - Oral History Association Annual Meeting (Montréal, Canada), October 2018
The Examined Life Conference, The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, October 2018 (invited)
Narratives of Ebola - International Conference on Narratives of Health & Illness (Tenerife, Spain), November 2016
West Africa's Ebola Outbreak - Perugia International Journalism Festival (Perugia, Italy), May 2015
Reporting Ebola - The Norwegian Foundation for a Free and Investigative Press (Tonsberg, Norway), April 2015
Lonely Planet Kenya - co-author, July 2015
Lonely Planet East Africa - co-author, July 2015
Lonely Planet West Africa - author of Liberia, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone and Mali, June 2013
Watching Wildlife in Southern Africa - co-author, 2012
Lonely Planet Libya - co-author, 2011
Make the Most of Your Time on Earth, Rough Guides - contributor, October 2007